"Explore the World with a Sail Boat Membership Near You!"" class="wow_main_float_head_img">

"Explore the World with a Sail Boat Membership Near You!"

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Sail Boat Membership in San Diego

So, you're interested in renting a sailboat. And you've got the money to spend on it. Great! But where do you go to rent a boat? Well, that's where we come in! We can help you find a sailboat membership near your home or office. Here are some of our favorite things about sailing and sailing lessons:

Section: You can reserve the time and location of your sailing lesson by using one of our online schedules or our mobile app (see below). Section: Our instructors are trained professionals who have completed extensive training and education on how best to teach each type of vessel (sailboats, catamarans…). Section: You'll get practice time before your lesson—which can be used as an opportunity for additional instruction on the water if necessary. Section: Our team will provide all equipment required for safety at all times during your lesson (TSA-approved life jackets; motorized life rafts; first aid kits) so there's no need for extra expense or preparation beyond what's required with most rental companies policies. Section: We provide complimentary snacks and drinks throughout each afternoon, which means no need to stop by somewhere after class is over!

Sailboat Membership

Sailboat membership is a great way to get the most out of sailing. You can learn how to sail and enjoy the sea with a sailboat membership near you.

Sailboat memberships include:

  • Basic or Advanced instruction from an experienced instructor who will teach you all about sailing, including how it works, how you control your boat in rough weather, and more! This can be done at your own pace so that you don't feel rushed or overwhelmed by the experience of learning something new!

Club Membership

The Sailboat Club in San Diego is a nonprofit organization that provides memberships to anyone who wants to explore the world on their own sailboat. Membership is open to everyone, regardless of age or experience level. It includes access to our fleet of sailboats and facilities as well as access to our instructors, events and more!

If you're looking for an opportunity to travel by sailboat around the world, this could be your chance!

Learn to Sail

  • Learn to Sail
  • Learn to sail on a variety of boats. You may be surprised by the types of boats you can choose from, and there are many different kinds of sailing lessons available in your area. Whether you want to learn how to sail or just want some tips about how to get started, memberships offer an opportunity for you to do so in a safe, controlled environment with professional instructors who will guide your learning process every step of the way!
  • Get Some Results: By joining our community, we know that it will benefit not only ourselves but also those around us as well by providing access through affordable membership options (including discounts), valuable tools such as our blog posts which provide valuable information related specifically towards helping beginners understand what they're getting themselves into before jumping right into any activity like this one where safety measures must always be taken seriously at all times."

Enjoy the Sea

With a Sail Boat Membership, you will be able to enjoy the sea. You'll gain access to a fleet of sail boats and sailing lessons, as well as the community of sailors who share their stories and knowledge.

You can choose from two types of membership:

  • The Premium Membership includes unlimited access (up to 4 hours per day) to our fleet of boats with experienced instructors on board. This membership also comes with an onboard gear locker that includes all necessary gear for your trip out on the water!
  • The Diamond Member status is reserved for those who love being out on open waters more than anything else—it gives you unlimited access (up to 6 hours per day) so you never have any excuse not too go exploring!

Explore the world with a sail boat membership!

A sailboat membership is a great way to explore the world. You can go on adventures, see new places and make friends. A sailboat membership gives you access to all of that as well as some other great benefits:

  • A savings of up to 90% off the cost of renting a boat for your travels!
  • Free use of our boathouse facilities (including dry storage) and showers at no charge during your stay with us!
  • Exclusive discounts on boats gear from participating vendors like Sunfish Sailboats, Bering Sea Cruises more...


The best way to start is by finding the right boat membership club for you. You’ll want to make sure that the program has what it takes to help you take your sailing career as far as possible. The main thing is that there are plenty of options out there, so don't feel like you have too many choices!
