Where Is Grub Damage or Active Grubs?" class="wow_main_float_head_img">

Where Is Grub Damage or Active Grubs?

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Fall’s cooler temperatures provide your lawn with the respite it needs from the harsh heat and humidity of summer, but it also poses a threat to the health of your lawn care in the form of grubs.

During September and early October, shrubs tend to spread across your lawn, destroying the lush green lawn you have been maintaining all summer.

Where Do Grubs Come From?

In late August and early October, beetle larvae, or grubs, hatch. In Lawn Mowing Adelaide, you might find beetles such as:

  • Beetles from Japan
  • Beetles of May and June
  • Beetles of the Orient
As the summer season progresses, beetles will attach themselves to your grass and other plants on your property so they can eat them.
How do I know if I have active grubs or grub damage once the beetles have eaten enough? Once they have mated and laid eggs. It takes about a month for their eggs to hatch, and they grow into hungry grubs once they hatch.
Grubs feed on your grass roots during the early fall and then burrow into the ground to lie dormant until spring. As soon as it warms up, they will emerge from their dormant state and feed on your lawn again, becoming beetles.

When Are Grubs/Grubs Active?

You should inspect your lawn in the fall to determine if grubs are active and causing damage. Shrubs that feed on grass roots damage the roots, preventing them from delivering water and nutrients to the grass. Insufficient nutrients and water can cause your grass to turn brown or yellow.
You can also feel the damage caused by grubs. Grub damage is obvious when you look around the ground. Your skin may feel spongy or soft if it is damaged by grubs. As another option, you can pull up portions of your lawn or roll it like a carpet, which will reveal grubs hiding under the surface.
Look for grubs by pulling up yellow or brown sections of grass. Check the surface of the soil for white, c-shaped insects about the size of a penny if the grass comes up easily. These insects indicate grub activity. Birds, skunks, or raccoons digging up your lawn looking for grubs to eat are other signs of active grubs.

Worried You Have Active Grubs? Contact Like Mowing Today!

Whether there are signs of active grubs or grub damage on your lawn, Superior Lawn Care can help! Your lawn will be treated with curative grub control by the expert lawn care team at Superior Lawn Care. We can also stop grub damage from happening in the future with this treatment.
Our lawn should be heavily watered after this curative grub control product has been applied. In this way, the product will start to work immediately to combat your grub problems.
Throughout Adelaide, Like Mowing provides grub control services to customers. We can help you prevent grub damage on your lawn this fall! Contact us today to learn how!