What is the process of performing a salt spray test as per ASTM B117 test standard?

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The use of metal products in the automotive industry is widespread and plays a crucial role in the manufacturing of different components. Metals, when exposed to salt spray, can undergo corrosion due to various mechanisms. Thus, to ensure that products should be tested against corrosion, w

The use of metal products in the automotive industry is widespread and plays a crucial role in the manufacturing of different components. Metals, when exposed to salt spray, can undergo corrosion due to various mechanisms. Thus, to ensure that products should be tested against corrosion, we at Presto have designed high-quality lab testing equipment, known as Presto Cyclic Test Chamber – CYKO. This high-quality lab testing equipment has been designed to test the corrosion-resistance properties of surface coatings & make it easy for the manufacturers to conduct salt spray tests on the materials.

This highly standardized lab testing equipment will be programmed accurately which will make it easy for the manufacturers to conduct salt spray tests on the materials. In this blog, we will discuss brief information about the process of performing salt spray tests on materials as per ASTM B117 testing standards. So, let us get started!

Introduction to salt spray test

When it comes to materials testing, a salt spray test is one of the most commonly conducted tests. This is because salt spray testing is an effective way of determining a material's resistance to corrosion.

Salt spray testing is typically conducted by placing a specimen of the material to be tested in an enclosed chamber. The chamber is then filled with a salt-laden fog or mist, which simulates the environment that the material will be exposed to in real-world conditions.

After a specified period of time, the specimen is removed from the chamber and examined for signs of corrosion. The results of the test can help engineers choose materials that are more resistant to corrosion for their applications.

You can read more on the importance of corrosion tests in the metal industry.

Now, let us discuss the purpose of conducting a salt spray test. You can get the best salt spray chamber price by presto stantest.

Purpose of conducting salt spray test on metal components

The purpose of conducting a salt spray test on metals is to evaluate their resistance to corrosion in harsh environmental conditions.

This test, also known as the ASTM B117 standard, simulates the detrimental effects of saltwater exposure on various metal surfaces. By subjecting metals to a controlled mist of saltwater solution for an extended period, typically 48 to 96 hours, this test enables manufacturers and researchers to assess the performance and durability of metallic materials in maritime or coastal environments.

You can read more on the purpose of conducting cyclic corrosion tests on metals. Now, we will discuss brief information about the Presto salt spray test on products.

All about Presto Cyclic salt spray test chamber-CYKO

The Presto cyclic test chamber is advanced and versatile testing equipment designed for conducting comprehensive cyclic corrosion tests.

This salt spray test chamber is equipped with an HMI-based touchscreen model, allowing users to conveniently monitor and control the test parameters. The relative humidity can be easily monitored on the HMI screen, providing real-time data during the testing process.

The cyclic test mode enables users to set specific parameters according to the test sample, ensuring customized and precise testing conditions. The chamber also features a corrosion-resistant PT-100 sensor and a solid-state digital programmable temperature controller, guaranteeing accurate and reliable temperature control throughout the testing cycle.

A program profile function is available for users to select and perform specific test parameters efficiently. The chamber boasts a robust construction with a triple-wall fibre-reinforced body, ensuring durability and longevity. Manufacturers can easily perform effective corrosion testing with this high-quality testing equipment.

Now, let us discuss the features and technical specifications of this quality testing equipment.

Features of Presto Cyclic salt spray test chamber-CYKO

  • Relative Humidity can be monitored on HMI Screen.

  • Cyclic Test mode enabled to set parameters according to the test sample

  • Corrosion Resistant PT-100 sensor

  • Solid-state digital Programmable Temperature Controller

  • Program profile for selecting test parameters and performing the test.

  • Easy Data Management. Users can create PID settings, Air Saturator settings, test temperature, test and air purge time, etc.

  • Current test running status display

  • Robust Construction with Fiber reinforced body(Triple wall)

  • Ease of use of sample placements inside the test chamber

  • Pneumatically operated canopy

  • Air purge after the test for fog settlement.

  • Reservoir Tank inside sponge filter with low solution level alarm.

  • 5-point Auto Tuning feature selection

Technical specifications of Presto Cyclic salt spray test chamber-CYKO

  • Display: HMI Based touchscreen 7" TFT LCD Color screen

  • Cyclic Corrosion Chamber 450 Ltr. : Internal size: 1000x700x750 mm

  • Humidity (RH Range): Fixed at 95% - 100 % RH ±5%

  • Humidity Temperature Range: 40 to 50 ºC ±3ºC (90% above relative humidity)

  • Dry Cycle Temperature Range: 5 above Amb. to 60 ºC ±3ºC

  • Salt Cycle Temperature Range: 5 above Amb. to 35 ºC ±2ºC

  • Chamber Temperature Least Count: 0.1ºC

  • Air Saturator Temperature Range: 40ºC- 55ºC

  • Air Saturator Temperature Least Count: 0.1ºC

  • Air Saturator Temperature Repeatability: ± 2ºC

  • Power: 220, Single phase, 50 Hz, 15 A

  • pH value of Salt Solution: 6.5 to 7.2 pH

  • Temperature Control: Inbuilt PID Temperature Controller

  • Timer(Hour meter): 6 digits

  • Test Air Pressure: 0.7Kg/cm² - 1.2Kg/cm²

  • Air Regulator: 0 to 30 psi

  • NaCl Solution Tank Capacity: 60 Ltr.

  • Compressed Air requirement: Approx. 7 cfm (Air Compressor not part of supply) Main airline pressure regulator with filter in customer scope.

With these high-end features and technical specifications, manufacturers can easily conduct salt spray tests on the materials. You can easily make your metal components corrosion-proof with the use of this high-quality lab testing equipment.

Now, let us discuss brief information about the steps to conduct a salt spray test on the metals.

Easy to perform the process of performing salt spray test

If you want to conduct a salt spray test on the materials, then you can easily follow the steps mentioned below:

  • First of all, turn ON the machine by plugging the mains socket of the machine into a 3-pin 15 amp socket.

  • Ensure all operational safety notices and prerequisites have been adhered to the standards.

  • Rotate the “Main Switch” Knob from the Control Panel.

  • Open the Electric Circuit Panel and check whether all the MCBs are “ON”.

  • Fill the Air Saturator with DM Solution.

  • A dialogue box of “Password” will appear on the screen.

  • Click on the Hold button from the Running Test Screen.

  • Visually Examine the Air Saturator until it reaches the minimum DM water level.

  • Once it reaches the level, then click on the Radio Button from HMI Interface “Water Inlet ON” and it will change to “Water Inlet OFF” and it will stop the process.

  • After that, prepare the salt solution to fill the reservoir tank.

  • After following the above steps, then you can place the specimen accurately and ensure that accurate results will be provided for the specimen.

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In this way, you can easily perform salt spray tests on the metals and ensure that quality materials will be delivered to the customers. If you want to get a free sample testing for the use of this quality salt spray chamber, Presto is the best salt spray chamber manufacturers in India, then you can give us a call at  +91-9210 903 903 or email us at info@prestogroup.com. Our team of technical experts will consult you regarding all your needs and queries.

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