Dear Amazing Users,

Your voices matter, and we want YOU to help us shape the future of our vibrant blogging community. We have an exciting proposal on the table, and we'd love to hear your thoughts through this poll.

Introducing Premium Blog Access - Have Your Say!

We are considering the introduction of Premium Blog Access, a subscription plan priced at $20 per year, which comes with an array of fantastic benefits:

🚀 Unlimited Blog Posting: Express your thoughts and creativity without limitations.

📢 Page Promotion: Elevate your Page's visibility and reach a larger audience.

🌟 Post Promotion: Get your best blogs,Post recognised and promoted to a wider audience.

🎥 Video Upload Options: Enhance your Post with videos for a more engaging experience.

But why are we considering this? Here's the scoop:

Our community has been growing rapidly, which is fantastic! However, with growth comes increased maintenance costs. By introducing Premium Blog Access, we aim to reduce spam, enhance content quality, and ensure the long-term sustainability of our beloved platform.

Now, it's your turn to weigh in! We've put together a quick poll to gather your opinions and preferences:

Vote in the Poll - Premium Blog Access

Your feedback is invaluable, and we want to ensure that any changes align with your expectations and needs. We genuinely appreciate your continued support and look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Let's shape the future of our blogging community together!

Warm regards,

ConnectGalaxy Team

Yes go a head !
No (Provide a monetisation idea for us to run the website)
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