Where Can You Find Reliable MCQ Book for Civil Engineering
If you are looking for the best MCQ Book For Civil Engineering at Present. There a lot of Publisher Platforms Which Is Provide the Best Quality Book. But I personally recommend EA Publication's MCQ for Civil Engineering Book. This book contains more than 3300 MCQ Questions with detailed solutions focused on State A.En & J.En and PSUs Exams in India. This Book's Subjects covered in Volume 1 are Building Materials and Construction, Strength of Materials, Structure Analysis, Design of steel structures, RCC Design, Pert and CPM and Estimation and Costing. this book demanding is very high in the market. So Don't Miss this Book. If you have any questions regarding to buying this book or learning then you can contact EA Publication.
Visit For More Info: https://www.eapublications.org..../category-product/ci