This Honey-Soy glaze is a little spicy, a little sweet and has all the umami flavor for the perfect balance. Perfect for seafood, marinating vegetables, chicken, pork, pretty much anything that can use a glaze packed full of flavor!
IT SAUCE's new hot sauce, Aji Charapita is made from Aji Charapita Peppers.
Charapita's grow wild in Peru, specifically the Amazonian rainforest. They are only the size of a pea and are considered one of the most expensive pepper varieties by weight. Aji Charapita's are one of the most delicious and flavorful peppers in the world. They are small, but they pack big heat and great flavor. The beautiful smell and flavor profile is very floral and fruity with notes of pineapple and citrus. In Peru these tiny little peppers are grandmother's kitchen secret. Most cooking households have a plant in their yard or growing in their window.
We created IT SAUCE, Aji Charapita hot sauce to be just as versatile as our previous sauces. It features a bright, vinegar base with balanced flavors of mustard, pineapple-citrus, and a beautiful tropical fruit finish.
Some applications (other than the obvious) we've used IT SAUCE, Aji Charapita for are things like Pork and Pineapple Tacos, Vegetable Marinades, Chicken Wings, Grilled Pineapple Glaze, Potato Salads, Deviled Eggs, Curry Chicken Salad, Grilled Seafood, and much more! *Now offering custom stamped gift boxes as IT SAUCE hot sauces and pickles are the perfect gift for foodies and hot sauce lovers!
De Pere, WI, United States, Wisconsin· I lager· Ny
IT SAUCE Serrano Pickled Cucumbers
$12.00 (USD)
IT SAUCE began as a single hot sauce and now has grown into a whole brand. The Serrano Pickled Cucumbers are the perfect blend of spicy, sweet and tangy. They have a medium heat level with notes of honey, citrus and florals. Throw some pickle slices on sandwiches and burgers, or eat them directly from the jar! 16oz Glass Bottles. Made in the USA, in an FDA regulated facility licensed by the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture. Just 5 clean ingredients!
De Pere, WI, United States, Wisconsin· I lager· Ny
IT SAUCE Charapita Hot Sauce
$12.00 (USD)
IT SAUCE's new hot sauce, Aji Charapita is made from Aji Charapita Peppers.
Charapita's grow wild in Peru, specifically the Amazonian rainforest. They are only the size of a pea and are considered one of the most expensive pepper varieties by weight. Aji Charapita's are one of the most delicious and flavorful peppers in the world. They are small, but they pack big heat and great flavor. The beautiful smell and flavor profile is very floral and fruity with notes of pineapple and citrus. In Peru these tiny little peppers are grandmother's kitchen secret. Most cooking households have a plant in their yard or growing in their window.
We created IT SAUCE, Aji Charapita hot sauce to be just as versatile as our previous sauces. It features a bright, vinegar base with balanced flavors of mustard, pineapple-citrus, and a beautiful tropical fruit finish.
Some applications (other than the obvious) we've used IT SAUCE, Aji Charapita for are things like Pork and Pineapple Tacos, Vegetable Marinades, Chicken Wings, Grilled Pineapple Glaze, Potato Salads, Deviled Eggs, Curry Chicken Salad, Grilled Seafood, and much more! *Now offering custom stamped gift boxes as IT SAUCE hot sauces and pickles are the perfect gift for foodies and hot sauce lovers!
Here at IT SAUCE we are committed to using rare peppers and no "junk" to make really great tasting sauces. Our sauces are all created by Chef Dan Fisher to promote creativity in your own kitchen with perfectly balanced flavors for ultimate versatility. IT SAUCE is always made in small batches with no sugar, no stabilizers, preservatives or dyes.
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