The corporate tax in Egypt is set at 25%. Personal income tax ranges from 10% to 20%, depending on your specific situation and income level. VAT in Egypt is 10%.
The corporate tax in Egypt is set at 25%. Personal income tax ranges from 10% to 20%, depending on your specific situation and income level. VAT in Egypt is 10%.
Joint stock-company
In a joint-stock company, the share capital is made up of the total contributions of the shareholders. Shares may be subject to public trading, providing an incentive to investors, who are needed for further business development. In a private company, stock can be transferred to anyone the current shareholder chooses, and usually shares are transferred under the terms of a share purchase agreement.
Limited liability company
A limited liability company (hereafter referred to as an LLC) is a commercial company type with legal personality status. One of the major features and benefits of any LLC is the fact that shareholders can’t be held personally responsible for the company’s debts or liabilities — only the assets of the business itself are at risk. A major difference between a joint-stock company and an LLC is that the latter is always a close company and its shares are not publicly traded.
Trading company
A trading company is a business that specialises in buying and selling various products. As the entity that ultimately delivers the goods to the customer, trading companies also set up shops and storage facilities to avoid becoming dependent on a manufacturer's ability to supply products on demand. Moreover, trading companies may handle all the necessary procedures relating to the delivery of goods, including procedures for international trade. When planning to establish a trading company there are several factors to be taken into consideration, such as taxes applied by the jurisdiction of domicile, the jurisdiction of your company’s bank, bookkeeping requirements and possible locations for warehouses and storage facilities (if necessary).