The Importance of Proper Heating and Cooling

An HVAC system includes return and supply vents, ductwork, filters and a circulating fan. Gain more knowledge about its functioning to make more informed decisions when purchasing one.

Air conditioning works by drawing heat out of your home using copper tubing and refrigerant as cooling agents.

An HVAC system includes return and supply vents, ductwork, filters and a circulating fan. Gain more knowledge about its functioning to make more informed decisions when purchasing one.

Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency has become an increasingly crucial topic among homeowners. Not only is it good for the environment, but energy-saving measures can also reduce utility costs and fossil fuel usage.

Start assessing Repair HVAC energy efficiency by looking at their SEER rating - which measures cooling output measured in Btu's divided by electrical input at constant temperature - rather than lab conditions; SEER ratings provide more realistic indication of performance than laboratory experiments can.

Consider also how well your duct system is insulated; leakage in ductwork can rob 20-40% of its efficiency, so insulation products designed specifically to insulating ducts should be available to help save you money and energy.

Indoor Air Quality

Even as energy efficiency gains more attention, indoor air quality remains just as essential. Air conditioning plays an essential part here when designed correctly and maintained regularly.

Indoor air pollutants include fine particles generated from smoke, exhaust from vehicles and equipment such as boilers or furnaces, mold, pet dander, dust mites, chemicals or gases that pass through our natural filtering system into the respiratory tract and cause health problems in various forms. These particles can even pass right through our immune systems unnoticed causing serious health concerns that require medical intervention to address.

Air conditioners can contribute to poor IAQ by introducing pollutants, dispersing them throughout a building and creating thermal discomfort. When not adequately cooled or maintained, they may irritate eyes and skin - especially when not adequately cooled or maintained. Older systems may release CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) that damage the ozone layer as well as producing large quantities of dust which contaminates indoor surfaces; insufficient ventilation or inadequate filtration systems could even contribute to "sick building syndrome," resulting in inhabitants experiencing symptoms directly proportional to time spent within that building.


People place great stock in personal satisfaction, and temperature regulation plays an integral part of that. Hot temperatures can sap energy reserves and disrupt sleep cycles; leaving you exhausted each morning when waking up. Air conditioning keeps core body temperatures at an acceptable level so that you can sleep soundly at night and wake up feeling refreshed in the morning.

Your AC can help reduce mosquito bites, ant infestations and house flies - not only are these insects annoying but some can carry diseases as well. Operating your AC creates a dry environment which bugs do not enjoy invading.

Humidity can damage furniture, appliances and personal possessions - especially leather items - rendering them unusable and costing money to replace. By keeping your Home Heating and Cooling and comfortable you can avoid this happening; saving both money and preserving possessions. Your AC can even help preserve clothing by helping prevent staining from setting in and keeping them looking their best over time; something particularly essential if they are worn frequently like sports apparel.


At its core, scheduled maintenance entails professional inspections and tune-ups conducted by trained specialists. These may involve checking for refrigerant levels, leaks, airflow measurement of evaporator coil and measuring its capacity; additionally, heat pumps and ductwork are checked for debris that might impede performance, capacity or safety.

Preventive maintenance practices not only help owners avoid expensive unscheduled downtime, they can also lower utility bills while assuring building systems operate efficiently and air quality meets regulatory standards. Ideally, partial failures (e.g. a dirty air filter) should be addressed as soon as they occur - rather than waiting until they lead to complete breakdown at an inconvenient time - particularly with complex and expensive equipment like HVAC systems - where dirty evaporator coils could potentially cause the system to overwork leading to compressor or condenser failure - thus necessitating both preventive and predictive maintenance measures to keep running smoothly.

