Practical Prashna Paddhati – Sunil John Prashna Methodology

Explores the mysterious world of astrology. "Prashna & Natal Chart System to Identify Curses & Badhas in Horoscope" is an intriguing look at the complexities of astrological charts, offering a new perspective on locating and understanding curses and badhas.

Sunil John leads learners through a comprehensive course that combines Prashna (Horary Astrology) and Natal Chart systems. Discover the curses and badhas concealed within the horoscope. Sunil John's course provides a unique opportunity to delve into the depths of astrology and reveal the secrets buried inside the Natal Chart.

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Practical Prashna Paddhati – Sunil John Prashna Methodology Level 1 Horary Astrology | Saptarishis Astrology

Practical Prashna Paddhati – Sunil John Prashna Methodology Level 1 Horary Astrology | Saptarishis Astrology

Saptarishis astrology is your one stop shop to find Astrology books, Consultations and Courses from the best Astrologers in India. We also have articles based on authentic research in some of the untouched branches of astrology