John Seckel Shares Effective Tips for Industry Networking

Building strong professional relationships is the key to success in any field, and John Seckel, Founder and CEO of CEO Life Corp, knows this better than most. As an entrepreneur who created CEO Life Corp to connect business leaders and entrepreneurs, John understands the value of industry networking. Whether you're just starting or are an established professional, improving your networking skills can open new doors and lead to exciting opportunities.

Here are some of John Seckel's most effective tips for networking in any industry:

Be Genuine in Your Interactions

When it comes to networking, authenticity is everything. John Seckel emphasizes the importance of being genuine when connecting with others. People can easily tell when someone is being insincere, and this can damage your reputation. Focus on building meaningful relationships, rather than just collecting business cards. Show a genuine interest in others' work and successes, and take the time to learn about their passions and goals.

By engaging authentically, you’ll stand out from the crowd and create stronger, more lasting connections.

Focus on Quality, Not Quantity

It’s easy to get caught up in the idea of meeting as many people as possible, but John Seckel suggests focusing on quality over quantity. A few strong, well-nurtured relationships can be far more valuable than a long list of casual contacts. Take the time to develop deeper connections with people who align with your business values and goals.

The stronger your relationships, the more likely they are to result in mutually beneficial opportunities in the future.

Follow Up Consistently

One of the most common mistakes people make in networking is failing to follow up. John Seckel advises that maintaining regular communication is essential. A simple follow-up email or a quick phone call after meeting someone can leave a lasting impression. It shows that you are serious about building a relationship and keeping in touch.

Staying in contact doesn’t have to be complicated—small, consistent interactions can help keep the connection alive.

Offer Value to Others

Effective networking isn’t just about what you can gain; it’s also about what you can give. John Seckel encourages offering value to others when building relationships. Whether it’s by sharing a helpful resource, connecting them with someone in your network, or offering advice based on your expertise, providing value strengthens the bond between you and your contacts.

When you are seen as someone who genuinely helps others, people will naturally want to return the favor, creating a positive cycle of support.

Be Active in Industry Events

Attending industry events is one of the best ways to expand your network. John Seckel recommends getting involved in conferences, seminars, and workshops where you can meet like-minded professionals. Whether you are attending in person or virtually, these events offer great opportunities to learn from others and forge new connections.

Additionally, participating in events regularly shows your dedication to growth and staying updated on industry trends.

Leverage Social Media

Social media platforms like LinkedIn have made networking easier than ever. According to John Seckel, using social media effectively can help expand your reach and establish connections with industry professionals across the globe. Keep your profile updated and active, join relevant groups, and engage with content by sharing insights or commenting on posts.

Building your online presence is just as important as building relationships offline, and the two can complement each other.


Networking is a powerful tool that can help drive your career or business forward. John Seckel’s tips for effective networking—being genuine, focusing on quality, following up, offering value, attending industry events, leveraging social media, and staying patient—are proven strategies for building strong, lasting relationships in any industry.

By following these insights, you’ll not only expand your professional circle but also build meaningful connections that can help you and your business thrive.


