Butiq Media is a dynamic and innovative production company specializing in original storytelling across a variety of media formats. Founded by Clari, a seasoned writer and producer with over 20 years of experience in the industry, Butiq Media stands at the forefront of creating engaging, thought-provoking content that resonates with a diverse global audience.

Core Focus and Specialties:
Butiq Media excels in producing a wide range of content, including drama, teen fantasy, dramedy, and non-fiction formats, as well as impactful documentaries. The company's signature approach combines deep narrative development with a keen insight into human emotions, aiming to produce stories that not only entertain but also challenge and inspire viewers.

Philosophy and Mission:
At the heart of Butiq Media's philosophy is a commitment to human interest stories that bridge cultural gaps and bring to light the universal aspects of the human experience. The company prides itself on being genre-agnostic, allowing for a fluid and creative production process that adapts to the evolving tastes and demands of audiences worldwide.

Notable Achievements:
Butiq Media's portfolio includes the critically acclaimed documentary "La Perla After Maria," which delves into the aftermath of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico, highlighting the resilience and solidarity of the community of La Perla. This documentary has earned accolades for its sensitive portrayal and has been showcased in several prestigious film festivals around the globe.

Creative Team and Production Excellence:
Led by Clari, Butiq Media's team comprises a diverse group of talented professionals from various parts of the world, each bringing unique perspectives and expertise to the table. This multicultural approach enhances the richness and authenticity of the narratives Butiq Media chooses to explore. The team’s commitment to production excellence ensures that every project is executed with the highest standards of quality and artistic integrity.

Vision for the Future:
Looking ahead, Butiq Media is continuously exploring new ideas and innovative formats to keep pace with the rapidly changing media landscape. The company is committed to expanding its reach by exploring more international stories and increasing collaborations with other creatives across the industry to bring fresh, compelling content to screens everywhere.

Butiq Media is more than just a production company—it is a storyteller’s haven that thrives on the passion for telling stories that matter, stories that move people, and stories that make a difference.
