Dr Meena Gupta
Director Neurology
8- 10 Pm. Daily
Expert opinion Available only on video Consultation With prior Appointment only
Fees - 2500 Rs Only ( Max 30 min )
Contact- 9899565580 & https://psykart.com
Helpline - 07428729797
Eligibility criteria for seeking a Psykart Expert Opinion or Expert Video consultation
This Psykart unique service is designed to provide a second opinion or further insights into a medical condition, especially when the patient is seeking more information or is not satisfied with previous neurological consultations.
1) The patient has already consulted with a primary care physician or specialist and is looking for additional expert advice. This can be particularly helpful in complex cases where the diagnosis is uncertain or the treatment options are not clear.
2) If you’re considering an expert opinion or expert video consultation, it’s important to have all your medical records and information about previous consultations ready to share with the expert.
This will help Dr Meena to provide the most informed and accurate advice possible.
3) If possible Remember to choose a reputable service with qualified professionals in the relevant field of medicine before opting for the Expert Consult from us ( This will help us to Help patients who are more suffering probably than you )
Linkedin - https://bit.ly/4adygiJ
Youtube -https://bit.ly/4bgyZ3u
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