Fantom Defender: The Ultimate Security Doorstop

In the realm of home security, the Fantom Defender by Fantom Hardware stands out as a revolutionary device that combines the practicality of a doorstop with the robustness of a security feature. This innovative product is designed to enhance the safety of your home or office by offering a dual-functionality that caters to both everyday convenience and security needs.

The Fantom Defender operates in two modes: Security Mode and Doorstop Mode. In Security Mode, the Defender is positioned to allow the door to open just enough for a ‘conversation gap’. This feature is particularly useful for interacting with visitors without fully opening the door, providing a safeguard against sudden intrusion attempts. The mechanism involves a rare earth magnet that activates floor pins to secure the door in place, ensuring that it cannot be forced open beyond the set gap.

Switching to Doorstop Mode is a breeze. With a simple push of the magnet housing with your foot, the Defender slides into position, missing the floor pin closest to the closed position and activating on the floor pin located at the doorstop location. This transformation turns the Defender into a trip hazard-free, aesthetically pleasing doorstop that holds the door open at your desired angle.

Installation of the Fantom Defender is straightforward, making it suitable for both new constructions and retrofits. The activation and deactivation process is quick and easy, ensuring that your door is secured against unwanted intruders in a fraction of a second. The inclusion of an N35 Neodymium magnet, cover plate, magnet housing, and stainless steel backing plate, along with clear OM pins and screws, ensures a high-quality setup that is both durable and reliable.

The Fantom Defender is not just a security device; it’s a statement of modern aesthetics and functionality. It’s a perfect example of how innovative design can meet practical security needs without compromising on the look and feel of your home. Whether you’re looking to upgrade your home security or simply want a reliable doorstop that can do more, the Fantom Defender is a choice worth considering.

For those interested in enhancing their home security with a touch of modern design, the Fantom Defender is a product that promises peace of mind and seamless integration into any home environment. It’s a small investment in your safety that can make a big difference.
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