Burn Bright: Living Fully with a Splendid Torch

Are you ready to live fully and authentically? "Life is a splendid torch" reminds us to burn brightly and seize every moment. Discover how to fuel your passions and create a life worth remembering.

Read more:https://becomingthejourney.com..../blog/life-splendid-

#lifeisasplendidtorch #livefully #burnbrightly #createalegacy

Life is a Splendid Torch! - Becoming The Journey

Life is a Splendid Torch! - Becoming The Journey

It’s almost Summer Solstice,  Oh, my.  It did come very fast this year! I found myself thinking a few days ago, Gosh. The days are way toooo long!  (By that I meant the days seemed to slip away — it still seemed like afternoon and it was