I think there are many ways to entertain yourself intelligently. Explore different genres, from fiction to non-fiction, to expand your knowledge and stimulate your imagination.

Take online courses (e.g. programming, cooking, photography) to gain new skills that are both fun and useful.

You can also take part in quizzes and games and challenge your brain with puzzles, crosswords or strategy games like chess to enhance critical thinking. Spend time on hobbies like painting, writing or gardening to express your creativity and relax.

You can experience the game https://geometrydashsubzero.io/ because it will entertain you with its extremely interesting gameplay with the thinking of the levels. It gives you a superior spirit when playing

You can also get involved in your community by volunteering; this is very rewarding and can connect you with new people. Use relaxation techniques to entertain your mind and improve your mental health.

I think the above suggestions will help you a lot, helping you have fun without causing negativity.
#entertainment #geometry dash subzero
