Videosign provides electronic signature for insurance companies which makes it easier to sign documents.
Videosign provides electronic signature for insurance companies which makes it easier to sign documents. Ready to use without having to download any apps. Have a look!
Videosign supports financial services specifically the insurance sector with a range of digital tools to enable the witnessing of electronic signatures remotely in a safe and secure platform.
With many features and benefits, Videosign can be used by professionals working within insurance including:
Meet with clients face-to-face remotely – the Videosign platform incorporates a secure online meeting space, thereby speeding up the process and enabling meetings to be taken place irrelevant of distance and accessibility to review, sign, and witness documents compliantly.
Verify Identities – with Videosign you can perform and complete identity and verification checks within seconds of meeting your client, using enhanced facial recognition and biometrics and meet them in a face-to-face secured online meeting space.
Validate digital signatures with embedded certificates, recordings, and audits – meetings are automatically recorded and can be classed as evidential and used in courts.
Finalise documents – by meeting clients face-to-face with Videosign you have the tools required to offer a purely digital experience of remote signing and witnessing of documentation.
Examples of Videosign usage:
Policies and Claims – Clients are more comfortable discussing details directly, face-to-face with their trusted adviser in a secure and compliant meeting place. Videosign allows you to maintain that personalised relationship, even when working remotely to discuss, advise on, and agree on insurance documentation quickly.
Proof of signature – validate digital signatures with embedded digital certificates, video recordings and detailed audits of signing events.
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