Why Does Unitarian Universalism Support Environmental Justice

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Read about why Unitarian Universalists believe in environmental justice and how it can help our world.

For those of us who identify as unitarians, our philosophy centers around the belief that there is one “true” way to live. Unitarian Universalist Church in Houston believe that all people are equal and should be treated as such. This might sound great on paper, but it has some pretty serious ramifications when it comes to our views on environmental justice.

For unitarians, it is our duty as environmentalists to work on behalf of all creatures, no matter how large or small. This means treating all forms of life with equal respect and ensuring that their rights are protected. When we prioritize the rights of large animals over those of small ones, it’s clear we have failed in our responsibility to protect the Earth. Unitarians understand that environmental justice is not a zero-sum game; it’s about working together to achieve common goals. If you want to support environmental justice, consider joining a unitarian organization.

Unitarian Universalism and Environmental Justice

Unitarian Universalism is a religious-based philosophical system that believes in the oneness of all things, including nature. This belief has led many UNU adherents to take a strong stance on environmental justice, believing that humans have an ethical responsibility to protect the environment.

Unitarians believe that humans are part of nature and share in their destiny. As such, they hold that humans have a responsibility to protect nature from destruction and harm. They also believe that human beings are capable of making positive contributions to the environment through their actions.

UNU advocates for environmental justice by advocating for policies that promote conservation and sustainability. They also support measures that reduce pollution and help achieve global goals like the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

What Unitarian Universalism Supports

The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) believes that everyone has a responsibility to care for the environment. The UUA's Statement of Principles declares: "We believe in the inherent worth and dignity of every person, and therefore in the need for all people to be responsible stewards of the earth."

This statement supports environmental justice, which is a concept that Unitarian Universalists have been working on since the early 1990s. Environmental justice means giving equal attention to environmental concerns throughout society, as opposed to privileging some groups over others.

The UUA has worked on behalf of environmental justice through its Environment and Social Justice Program since 1995. This program works with local congregations to develop action plans that address environmental justice issues in their communities.

Unitarian Universalism also supports sustainable lifestyles. This means living within our planet's resources so that they will last for future generations. Sustainable lifestyles include choosing environmentally friendly products, reducing energy consumption, and recycling materials.

Why Supporting Environmental Justice is a Part of Unitarian Universalism

Unitarian Universalism is a faith that emphasizes the oneness of all people and promotes compassion and care for all living things. Supporting environmental justice is a part of this belief system because it upholds the principle that humans are connected to nature and must work together to protect it.

Environmental justice is an important issue because it concerns the distribution of resources, including energy, water, land, and air. Groups that are traditionally marginalized often experience disproportionate impacts from environmental injustices. Environmental justice advocates work to address these issues by advocating for policies and laws that ensure everyone has access to clean air, water, land, and food.

Unitarian Universalists have a long history of supporting environmental justice. In 1951, the UUA's Board of Trustees passed a resolution calling for "an end to discrimination against minority groups in employment, education, and housing." This resolution led to the creation of the Unitarian Universalist Service Corps (UUSC), which works to provide opportunities for underprivileged youth. Today, many Unitarian Universalist congregations are involved in community engagement projects that support environmental justice.

There are many ways you can become involved in supporting environmental justice: you can attend local protests or give money to organizations working on behalf of environmental justice; you can share your story about how unitarian universalism has shaped your attitudes towards the environment; or you can create your community project involving sustainability education or activism. Whatever you do, remember that every action counts towards creating a more just


Unitarian universalism supports environmental justice because it upholds the ethic of ecological reciprocity, which states that every being has an intrinsic worth and responsibility to maintain its environment. Unitarians believe that humans have a moral obligation to care for the earth and all of its inhabitants, including future generations. This ethical belief grounds unitarian universalism's support for environmental justice in human rights law.
