Don't Make These Common Mistakes When Shopping For Commercial Or Residential Carpets

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Installing new carpeting can be a great way to preserve the floors in your home or business, or to add a little personality to your space. But when you don’t have the right information, it can be difficult to make an informed choice! Here are 3 common mistakes people make when buying carpet in Auckland NZ—and how you can avoid them!

Selecting the wrong kind of residential or commercial carpet:

It is important to think about more than just how a carpet looks when choosing one. You will want to think about other factors, such as where it will be installed and how it will be used. If you are installing an entrance mat at your home's front door, for example, you should choose a rug with rough fibres that will retain most of the dirt and dust from people's shoes. You also need to make sure that the rug can withstand weathering because it will have to stand up against rain and snow over many years. Similarly, if you have to install carpet in an area where customers or employees walk often—like in a hotel lobby—you should consider choosing carpeting with good wear resistance so it lasts for years under their feet.



Not Considering Carpet Tiles As An Exciting Option:

Carpet tiles, an alternative to wall-to-wall carpeting, have several advantages. If a tile is damaged or stained, you can simply replace it instead of replacing an entire carpet. Also, installing carpet tiles is easier than installing a whole carpet at once. Finally, carpet tiles adjust to fit the space being covered, so you waste less material. In short, commercial flooring professionals should consider using carpet tiles in place of regular wall-to-wall carpeting.

Not Using A Professional To Install Your Wall-To-Wall Carpet:

Installing a new carpet in your home or office is not as simple as it seems. It requires professional knowledge and skills, particularly if you need to cover stairs, an asymmetrical room or room with a curved wall. It's always recommended to consult an expert before installation starts to make sure that you have the exact measurements and that you don't run out of material during installation. Poorly installed carpets will not only look ugly, but won't do their job properly. As a result, they risk being damaged more quickly and will need to be replaced sooner than expected. Avoid unnecessary costs by trusting a professional carpet installer.

Looking for one of the best carpet stores in Auckland? Visit Floorwise for the best deal!

