Surprising Benefits of Blepharoplasty (Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery)

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Everyone knows the expression “the eyes are where the soul is”, so it makes sense when aging people want to do something about their drooping eyelids and overall eye appearance.

The good news is that there is a painless, cosmetic procedure called blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) that’s available to people experiencing these types of issues. We’ve partnered up with Dallas Surgical Arts, a blepharoplasty dallas specialist, to help us develop this list of surprising benefits of this procedure that you may not realize at first.

So here are some surprising benefits of eyelid surgery that you should know about!

Improving Your Vision

A lot of people get eyelid surgery for more than just aesthetic purposes, because upper eyelid drooping can actually detrimentally impact a person’s vision. So even if you’re only interested in obtaining a minor procedure, blepharoplasty can go a very long way to improve a patient’s overall field of vision!

Smoother Forehead Skin

When your eyelids are feeling really heavy to the point of impacting your vision, then it’s likely that you’ve developed a habit of raising your eyebrows just to see better. This of course impacts the furrows on a person’s forehead, and alleviating this type of problem can be as easy as addressing your eyelids.

Removing the extra weight around your eyes can help to stop bad brow-raising habits, which can be great for addressing any forehead wrinkles!

Less Social Misunderstandings

People look to each other’s eyes for all sorts of contextual understandings, so people with droopy eyes can sometimes like sad or angry when they in fact feel perfectly normal. No one wants to give off the wrong impression just because of their facial appearance, and getting eyelid surgery can help with your social life in many ways.

Literally Brighter Eyes

When skin surrounds your eyes, it limits the amount of light that can reach your irises. This ends up developing a dull look to a person’s eyes, but getting rid of this extra skin via blepharoplasty can reinvigorate eye color due to the increased light that can reach your irises.

Reducing Headaches Migraines

Eyelid surgery does so much more than just improving a person’s facial appearance, and one non-aesthetic benefit is relieving migraines. This impact of blepharoplasty has been thoroughly researched and proven, and many people who suffer from migraines experience none after just one year post-surgery!

Having A More Youthful Shape To Your Eyes

Our eyes slowly but surely become more horizontally narrow and rounded as we get older, and this typically shows an impact on a person’s lower eyelids. Skin will start to look weighed down or slack within small pockets of facial fat, and eyelid stretching coincides with this as well.

Getting eyelid surgery can help remove this extra skin weight around your eyes and ultimately make you look much younger without having to do any other more intensive cosmetic procedures!

Contact The Blepharoplasty Specialists at Dallas Surgical Arts To Learn More About Eyelid Surgery!

Blepharoplasty is growing in popularity all throughout the United States for many reasons, and it’s a very easy cosmetic procedure for aging people to consider when they want to look and feel younger.

You can learn more about eyelid surgeries and if you’re a good candidate by speaking directly with the experts at Dallas Surgical Arts by going through the hyperlink at the top of the article to their website!
