What is an EIN Number and How Do I Get One?" class="wow_main_float_head_img">

What is an EIN Number and How Do I Get One?

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EIN stands for Employer Identification Number — it's a unique nine-digit number that identifies your business element to the IRS. At the point when you document any sort of federal tax return, this is the way you'll identify your business. It's also sometimes called a F

Does your business require an EIN?
Since the IRS uses EINs to identify which business tax returns taxpayers must submit, most self-utilized folks and small business owners will require an Employer ID Number at some point (even tax-excluded and non-profit organizations). But you're legally required to get an EIN assuming you answer yes to any of the accompanying questions:

Does your business have any employees?

Does your business work as a C corporation, S corporation, limited liability company (LLC), or partnership?

Do you record business or excise tax returns?

Do you keep taxes on pay, other than wages, paid to a non-resident?

As per the IRS, sole proprietorships don't require an EIN — they can just use their Social Security number (SSN). If you're a sole owner that wants to do any of the abovementioned (recruit employees, consolidate, record excise tax returns, and so on), though, you'll still need an EIN.

At any rate, regardless of whether you're not legally required to have an EIN, we suggest getting one. EINs are also required to start business bank accounts and Visas, apply for business licenses, and secure some types of funding.

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Getting a state EIN number
On the off chance that your state requires you to cover state personal taxes, you might have to get a state EIN number. The details change from one state to another, so you'll have to check with your state tax authority on the best way to get a state EIN (in the event that you want one).

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