Importance of Freezing your Egg in the Twenties and Thirties" class="wow_main_float_head_img">

Importance of Freezing your Egg in the Twenties and Thirties

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You can visit an IVF center nearby if you have any queries about IVF technology and side effects. They provide all information and guidance about IVF procedures.

IVF is known as In vitro fertilization. It is an advanced technology to help a woman to get pregnant. IVF combines a woman's egg and a man's sperm in the lab. If you are struggling with infertility and seeking an effective solution, visit the best IVF Centre in Ludhiana.

IVF treatment is not an easy task. They have many procedures such as depending on how many chances they have to get pregnant, infertility, quality of sperm and eggs, etc. IVF treatment cost in India is prohibitive with adding medicine and other treatments. 

Why you should consider freezing your egg in your 20s and 30s 

What is egg freezing? 

Egg freezing is when the egg moves from the ovaries to preserve. Therefore they can use preserved eggs to become pregnant at a later stage—woman's many reasons to consider keeping an egg, such as medical, social, and personal reasons. Preserved eggs have a rare chance of getting pregnant.

What considered before egg freezing 

Egg-freezing technology helps those women who don't want children in the present time but want them in the future. Freezing eggs is the best option for extending a timeline to become a parent. But before freezing an egg, you should know about this thing such as;

Fertility medicine comes with some side effects. 

If you do hormone injections, it helps to produce a large number of mature eggs, but there are some side effects, such as nausea, vomiting, headache, cramps, depression, etc.

Rare chances for pregnancy 

Using freezing egg technology for your egg store helps get pregnant women in the future. But it has a rare chance of getting pregnant because they do not identify the egg quality during egg retrieval.  

Regain your egg is a medical process that comes with risk 

During regaining your eggs through a medical procedure, they have risks such as bleeding, infection, and damage to the bladder. That is why we understand the freezing egg technology process and the risk. 

Reason to consider freezing egg: in parenthood term 

Improve pregnancy chances 

Freezing eggs when their egg is younger and healthy reduces the risk of chromosomal abnormalities. They help improve the chances of getting pregnant and having a healthy baby. Because the age of the egg changes, that impact on fertility system 

Safety and effectiveness 

Freezing eggs help to get pregnant and preserve an egg for the long term without losing quality. Freezing eggs is a safe procedure to keep an egg; you can use it for 30 years. If you want to freeze your egg repeatedly, that is called vitrification. 

Freezing egg use for later 

If you preserve eggs, you can use them at the right time when you want, or you find the right partner. Then you want to start a new journey of freezing eggs to help you get pregnant at a later stage.

You have medical conditions and preserve them before medical treatment 

If you have a medical condition that medicine badly affects your fertility system. Egg freezing technology helps safeguard and save your egg from damage during treatment. Then you have a chance to get a biological child after recovery.

Extend fertility option 

Freezing egg technology helps to extend fertility options when you want to become a parent. If you're going to become a parent at 40, you have a freezing egg. You can use those eggs and their technology to preserve eggs for many years. 

Delay children to pursue your career. 

Freezing eggs technology is the best option to delay becoming a parent when you can use them when you're ready. Because your fertility egg is secure for the future, you give time for a career such as enjoying adventures, pursuing higher education, etc. 

Preserve fertility potential 

If you freeze your eggs before 35, you can get pregnant. After freezing your eggs, you become a parent at 40 or 50.

The journey from Consultation to preservation 


If you adopt a technology, you consult about a procedure to freeze eggs with your consultant. A consultant provides all information about a technology step by step.

Egg quality 

After you consult, the journey starts for ovarian stimulation, and they use a hormone medicine that helps encourage the maturity of eggs. After regular monitoring and ultrasound examination, find developed your follicles in optimal egg quality.

Preserving quality 

vitrification is a technology used for rapidly freezing your egg and maintaining the quality of your egg's maturity. It is an advanced technology used for safe-maturity eggs and used later to become a parent. 


Light anesthesia is a procedure for egg retrieval when your egg reaches maturity. This process is designed to be effective in eggs and ensure comfort and care. 

