How Do I Fix the Challenge Required on Instagram on My iPhone?" class="wow_main_float_head_img">

How Do I Fix the Challenge Required on Instagram on My iPhone?

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But there is a simple solution to the challenge required Instagram issue all you need to do is to follow the mentioned steps:

Approx. 1.386 Billion people are using Instagram in the world but sometimes the app shows some flaws like “Challange-required”. This is kind of irritating for a user, but the important thing is to understand what does challenges required mean on Instagram and how one can fix the issue.  “Challenge - Required” was established so the Instagram developers can check if the account holder is a human or a bot it is a security check for the developers. Also, it is made to check if you are the real account holder. 

You may notice that the “Challange required” pops up when you try to log in from a web server. 

But there is a simple solution to the challenge required Instagram issue all you need to do is to follow the mentioned steps:

  1. You have to log in with your id from the Instagram app or the official website of Instagram. If you log in with a recognized device it will be easier to log in successfully. 

  2. You will be logged in after the first step but it will be good to do two-factor authentication within the application’s settings. 

Even after re-login, you are still getting the issue and continue reading the article. 

Reasons for Instagram Challenge Required Error - 

The Instagram Challenge Required error occur due to the following:

  • Did your phone update recently?

  • Check if you downloaded any third-party app which requires Instagram access.

  • Did you use Instagram on any other device?

  • Are you still using a new malware or anti-spare program?

Steps To Fix Instagram Challenge Required Error - 

  • Check for Instagram Server Issues

  • Check Your Internet Connection

  • Close the Instagram App and Restart it

  • Check for Instagram Updates

  • Clear the Instagram App Cache

  • Offload the Application
