Bhrighu Prashna Astrology Identify Timing of Events

Sunil John provides his vast expertise in this Prashna Astrology course to help you grasp the Bhrighu Prashna method for precisely identifying and predicting events, as well as timing the year. This course blends timeless astrological concepts with Sunil John's decades of practical experience in Prashna Jyotish Shastra, providing students with a unique opportunity to deepen their understanding and improve their predictive abilities. The one who disclosed something else than Bhrighu Nandi Nadi, Bhrighu Saral Paddhati, now brings Bhrighu Prashna.

Teacher: Sunil John
Duration: 4 months

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Sunil John's Bhrighu Prashna Astrology - Identify Timing Of Events (Natal And Prashna) | Saptarishis Astrology

Sunil John's Bhrighu Prashna Astrology - Identify Timing Of Events (Natal And Prashna) | Saptarishis Astrology

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