First Trimester Screening | Mothers and Fetuses Group

During the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, pregnant moms can have a specific test called first trimester screening. This test is available at Mother and Fetuses Medical Center Hospital to evaluate the likelihood of chromosomal abnormalities and other genetic diseases in the growing fetus. The procedure combines a blood test with an ultrasound to gauge the thickness of the skin on the fetus's neck's back. Following the findings analysis, a risk assessment for specific chromosomal abnormalities like Down syndrome and other genetic diseases is provided.

Pregnant women and their healthcare professionals can benefit from first trimester screening because it is a non-invasive, safe technique. Also, it can aid in early problem detection during pregnancy, enabling therapy and intervention if necessary. Our staff at Mother and Fetuses Medical Center Hospital invites you to schedule a consultation if you are pregnant and thinking about first trimester screening. In order to guarantee the greatest outcome for you and your child, we are devoted to provide individualized and sensitive treatment.

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First Trimester Screening | Mothers and Fetuses Group

First Trimester Screening | Mothers and Fetuses Group

We Are Mothers and Fetuses group is the largest provider of Maternal Fetal Medicine services in the United Arab Emirates.