Hypnotic (2023)
"Hypnotic" (2023) is a psychological thriller film directed by Robert Rodriguez and stars Ben Affleck, Alice Braga, and William Fichtner.
The film follows Detective Danny Rourke (Ben Affleck), who is investigating the disappearance of his daughter. His search leads him into the world of hypnotism and mind control, where he encounters a mysterious figure known as Dr. Collin Meade (William Fichtner). As Rourke delves deeper into the case, he discovers a web of deceit and manipulation involving powerful individuals who use hypnotism for sinister purposes.
The story combines elements of psychological suspense and action, exploring themes of control, perception, and the power of the mind. As Rourke uncovers more about the hypnosis conspiracy, he must confront his own fears and vulnerabilities while racing against time to find his daughter and expose the truth.
"Hypnotic" is noted for its intriguing plot, intense performances, and Rodriguez's signature style. The film offers a gripping narrative that keeps audiences on edge with its twists and psychological tension.

#movies #hollywood #benaffleck
