🔬 Understanding Chemical Causes of Peripheral Neuropathy 🔬

Peripheral neuropathy can sometimes be triggered by various chemicals and substances we encounter in our lives. These include:

💊 Medications: Common drugs like anti-inflammatories and statins used for high cholesterol can contribute to nerve damage.

🧪 Chemotherapy and Radiation: Treatments for cancer can have side effects that affect nerve health.

🌿 Agent Orange: Exposure to this herbicide has been linked to nerve issues.

🍷 Alcohol & Tobacco: Heavy use over time can harm your nerves.

🍬 Excessive Sugar: High sugar intake can lead to Type 2 Diabetes, a major cause of peripheral neuropathy.

Awareness is key! Understanding these chemical causes can help you make informed choices about your health and prevent or manage neuropathy more effectively.

Looking for more information and support? Check out Neurogen Med for expert guidance on managing and treating peripheral neuropathy.

Website URL: https://www.neurogenmed.com/

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