To celebrate two years of Webb science, we recently hatched 3 images of the interacting galaxies known as "the Penguin and the Egg."
Top image: This view was taken by Webb's Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI). In mid-infrared light, the Egg (on left) appears as a much smaller teal oval. These wavelengths predominantly show the oldest stars in the galaxy, which has lost or used up most of its gas and dust.
Left image: Webb's Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam) captured this scene. Look for a faint, upside-down U shaped glow (in blue) that is joining the pair of galaxies. Revealed by Webb, this is a combination of stars, gas, and dust that continues to mix as the galaxies mingle.
Right image: The stunning snapshot you see here was created by combining data from both MIRI and NIRCam!
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