In the ever-evolving landscape of education, the role of a principal is pivotal. Rabbi Moshe Abady, with his extensive background in both Judaic and General Studies, offers profound insights into the responsibilities of a principal. Drawing from his experience transforming Tashbar Sephardic Yeshiva Ketana into a thriving mainstream Yeshiva, Rabbi Abady’s principles are both timeless and timely.

1. Creating a Nurturing Environment

One of the foundational responsibilities of a principal, according to Rabbi Abady, is fostering a nurturing and supportive environment. A school must be a haven where students feel valued and cared for. Rabbi Abady emphasizes that when students are emotionally secure, they are more likely to engage in learning and develop a love for education. This involves not only addressing academic needs but also being attentive to the emotional and social well-being of each student.

2. Striving for Excellence in Education

Excellence in education, for Rabbi Abady, is non-negotiable. He believes that a principal must set high standards for both Judaic and General Studies, ensuring that the curriculum is rigorous and comprehensive. This commitment to excellence requires continuous evaluation and enhancement of teaching methods and materials. Rabbi Abady’s approach at Maimonides Academy, where he integrated technology into instruction, showcases how innovative methods can elevate educational standards and student engagement.

3. Personal Growth and Professional Development

Moshe Abady stresses the importance of personal growth and professional development for both students and staff. A principal should encourage a culture of continuous learning, providing opportunities for teachers to enhance their skills and knowledge. This, in turn, inspires students to pursue their growth. By investing in professional development, principals ensure that their staff remains motivated and equipped to provide the best education possible.

4. Community Building

Building a strong school community is another key responsibility. Rabbi Abady believes that a sense of community fosters collaboration, respect, and shared values. Engaging parents, teachers, and students in school activities and decision-making processes helps create a cohesive environment. Rabbi Abady’s efforts in creating a warm and caring school culture at Tashbar Sephardic Yeshiva Ketana highlight the significance of community in achieving educational success.


In conclusion, Rabbi Moshe Abady’s insights into the responsibilities of a principal are rooted in his rich experience and dedication to education. By focusing on nurturing environments, striving for educational excellence, promoting personal and professional growth, and building strong communities, principals can lead their schools to greater heights.
