A vitamin B12 shot is an injection that delivers a dose of vitamin B12 directly into your muscle. It's typically prescribed by a doctor to treat a deficiency in this essential vitamin.

Here's a breakdown of vitamin B12 shots:

Purpose: Treat vitamin B12 deficiency. B12 is important for energy production, nerve function, and red blood cell formation. Deficiency can lead to fatigue, weakness, anemia, and nerve damage.
Who needs it: People with conditions that affect B12 absorption, like digestive problems or gastric bypass surgery. Also, strict vegans and vegetarians, and older adults, can be at higher risk for deficiency.
How it works: By bypassing the digestive system, the injection ensures your body absorbs the B12 directly.
Dosage and frequency: Depends on the severity of your deficiency. Initially, you might need daily or every other day injections. As your B12 levels improve, injections become less frequent, possibly every few months for life.
Important points to remember:

B12 shots are not a magic bullet for boosting energy or aiding weight loss in healthy people.
Talk to your doctor if you suspect a B12 deficiency. They can do a blood test to confirm and recommend the right treatment plan.

For more see here: https://www.cambiati.com/product/b12-injection/