The first major construction project according to the future of Gagner's 6 million dollar investment, which will secure him confidence and a large amount of money. The first large construction projects supervised by Donald Trump are the construction of the Grand Hyatt Hotel and a 58-meter-wide 80-meter-wide Trump Tower. In addition, the Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino is being constructed.

April 90, after the collapse of the bank's finances, Trump plans to build the Trump World Tower at 262 meters, which will be faced with the First of all, ONU in Manhattan. Two of the entrepreneurs who never made it to the top of their game since 2000. He then deployed the company and quit administration of the business. Then, in 2009, the businessman decided to build a free-standing hotel in Chicago, which has since become three times more expensive in America and two times more expensive in the world.

Tout sur le grand entrepreneur, milliardaire, 45e président des États-Unis Donald Trump

Tout sur le grand entrepreneur, milliardaire, 45e président des États-Unis Donald Trump

Bienvenue sur le site officiel des fans de Donald Trump, légendaire homme d'affaires, homme politique et 45e président des États-Unis.