What is the IVF success rate in India?

Thinking about IVF in India? Hold on to your sarees! While you won't experience pregnancy symptoms during the actual IVF procedure, understanding success rates is key. India boasts a 30–35% live birth rate per embryo transfer, which is pretty good on the global stage. But here's the twist: age is a super influencer. Younger moms (under 35) see a much higher success rate compared to their fabulous forties counterparts.

Here's a cheat sheet to decipher IVF success in India:
Younger and healthier = higher chances: The younger and healthier you are, the better your chances are. Think eggs with superpowers!

Multiple Rounds = Upping the Odds: Don't get discouraged by a single try. Many couples find success after multiple rounds.

Experience Matters: Choose a reputed clinic with a proven track record. Expertise is your friend!

Remember: IVF is a complex journey, and IVF success symptoms aren't guaranteed. But with the right information and a supportive doctor, you can increase your chances of bringing home that precious bundle of joy. Visit: https://shorturl.at/i2EiE
