"Discovered - currently not indexed" message in Google Search Console (GSC) can be frustrating, but it's solvable! Here's a breakdown of what it means and how to address it:

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Understanding the Error:

Google found your webpage but decided not to index it yet. This could be due to various reasons, some technical, some related to content value.

Possible Causes:

Server overload: Googlebot might have postponed crawling to avoid overwhelming your server. This is common for larger websites.

Crawl budget issues: Your site might have used up its crawl quota, limiting how many pages Google examines at once.

Technical errors: Problems like server errors (5xx codes) or incorrect robots.txt directives can prevent indexing.

Content concerns: Google might deem the page thin or lacking value compared to duplicates or other indexed pages on your site.

Troubleshooting Steps:

Check GSC for details: GSC's "Coverage" section under "Index" often provides specific reasons for "discovered - not indexed" errors.

Address technical issues: Fix server errors, ensure robots.txt allows crawling, and verify correct use of canonical tags (pointing to the preferred version of a page if duplicates exist).

Optimize content: Make sure your page offers unique and valuable content compared to indexed pages.

Improve internal linking: Ensure your important pages are well-linked to from other indexed pages on your site. This signals importance to Google.

Consider external links: Building high-quality backlinks from reputable websites can also boost a page's importance for indexing.

Additional Tips:

Resubmit important pages: You can request Google to re-crawl specific pages through the GSC URL Inspection tool.

Monitor crawl rate: GSC allows monitoring your crawl rate to identify potential overload issues.

Stay updated: Google's guidelines on indexing are subject to change. Refer to their official resources for the latest recommendations.

By following these steps and staying vigilant, you can effectively tackle "discovered - not indexed" errors and get your valuable content into Google's search results!