1. Unveiling the Problem:

Head to the Coverage report within google search console Index section. This area exposes URLs struggling with indexing.

2. Decoding the Reasons:

Google Search Console offers insights into why URLs aren’t indexed. Common culprits include:

Fresh Website/Pages: Google might not have encountered them yet. Indexing can take a week or so.
Robots.txt Roadblock: Your robots.txt file might be unintentionally blocking the URL from crawling.
noindex Tag Trap: The page might have a noindex tag instructing search engines not to index it.
Duplicate Content Dilemma: Google avoids indexing content that’s nearly identical to existing content.
Crawl Error Cobwebs: Server problems or errors during crawling can hinder indexing.

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3. Fixing the Glitch:

The solution depends on the cause:

New Website/Pages: Patience is key! Google will find your content eventually.
Robots.txt Roadblock: Edit your robots.txt file to grant crawling access to the URL.
noindex Tag Trap: Remove the noindex tag if you want the page indexed.
Duplicate Content Dilemma: Address duplicate content by consolidating content or using canonical tags.
Crawl Error Cobwebs: Resolve server errors and optimize your site for smooth crawling.
4. Re-indexing Request:

Once the issue is fixed, use GSC’s URL inspection tool to request Google to re-crawl the URL. This will trigger Google to revisit the page and potentially index it.

By following these steps and understanding the reasons behind indexing issues, you can leverage GSC to ensure your valuable content gets seen by search engines.