Too Blessed To Complain: It is sad how often we fail to realize how blessed we are. We envy our neighbors. We whine, we grumble and we ungratefully compare ourselves with those whose lives seem to be everything we’ve always dreamed of. Don’t be fooled by appearances. If lives could be swapped, you would quickly realize that big cars, big houses and deep pockets often leave very little room for joy, peace and happiness. A heart that is not happy, content and grateful with the little, will not suddenly become happy with much. Gratefulness and happiness are byproducts of a contented heart. But contentment doesn’t come naturally; it must be developed. Naturally our carnal minds only notice the things others have, and the things that we don’t have. Today, I encourage you close shop and take inventory of your blessings. “Count your blessings and name them one and see what God has done.” Let your prayer be, "Thank you Lord for blessing me. Amen"