About Professional Writing, IAPWE, New Experience, And Article Writing

The IAPWE or International Association of Professional Writers & Editors is an organization dedicated to providing helpful resources to writers and editors and disseminating helpful ideas and resources across the greater professional community in the form of outreach, blogging, networking and thought leadership.

In addition to providing free resources for our members, we are always seeking talented writers and editors to help create engaging, locally relevant, educational and inspirational content to help support our outreach efforts. We believe in paying our writers and editors a competitive wage, unlike many of the “content mills” and comparable low-paying clients and/or companies.

The IAPWE is also dedicated to bringing the most updated, legitimate and vetted writing and editing job opportunities to its members.

Currently, there are many different websites containing both legitimate as well as illegitimate writing and editing job opportunities and we make available, in one place, all of the opportunities that have been determined to be legitimate across over 100 different websites.

In addition to this, the IAPWE provides helpful tools, resources and networking opportunities for professional writers and editors, as well as making all members aware of potential writing job scams.

We are currently seeking members to take on administrative roles to help us identify and verify additional writing and editing job opportunities for our members. If interested, please send an email to staffingIAPWE.org for more information.


About Professional Writing, IAPWE, New Experience, And Article Writing – Writer's Treasure Chest

About Professional Writing, IAPWE, New Experience, And Article Writing – Writer's Treasure Chest

IAPWE is the International Association of Professional Writers and Editors. ***** The ‘About’ page on their website says: The IAPWE or International Association of Professional Writers & Editors is an organization dedicated to providing helpful r