James Wolfgramm has been named one of the top financial advisors in the country by his peers, and with good reason. James Wolfgramm provides expert advice to help people of color fight against racism and civil rights violations, supports youth entrepreneurs through mentorship programs, and actively looks to increase the number of minority entrepreneurs in the financial sector by teaching youth how to start their own business ventures while they’re still in high school or college. You Should Know About Fighting Against Discrimination 1. Speak up. When you see or hear something that isn't right, don't be afraid to say something. Your voice can make a difference. 2. Stand up for what you believe in. If you believe in something, stand up for it, even if it means going against the majority. 3. Be an ally. If you're not a person of color or part of the LGBTQ+ community, use your privilege to help fight discrimination against those who are. For example, defend someone from racist comments at work or intervene when you see racial profiling. 4. Listen with respect. Respectful listening is about giving people time to talk without judgment or interruption; it's about asking questions so that you better understand where they're coming from; and it's about reflecting back what they've said so they know their feelings have been heard 5. Learn more about these issues before speaking out on them. Most Common Examples of Employment Discrimination James Wolfgramm is a financial advisor who fights against racism and civil rights violations. In the business world, discrimination can take many different forms. The most common examples of employment discrimination include race, gender, age, religion, and disability. However, there are many other protected characteristics that can be the basis for discrimination. For example, someone might be discriminated against because of their national origin or sexual orientation. How Can I Spot Employment Discrimination? As someone who has fought against racism and civil rights violations, James Wolfgramm is a great resource on how to spot employment discrimination.
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