Gianluca Barabino è una persona che unisce spirito imprenditoriale, competenze tecniche e facility management per grandi infrastrutture. Nelle aree di sostenibilità e capacità, Gianluca Barabino è stato riconosciuto come un esperto nel suo campo. Ha lavorato anche per grandi infrastrutture: metropolitane, ferrovie, ospedali, aeroporti e miniere. La sua passione è implementare la sua esperienza nella costruzione del miglior sistema di gestione possibile per processi estremamente complessi. È una mente visionaria che combina la business intelligence con tecnologie all'avanguardia per creare una combinazione unica di servizi volti ad aumentare l'efficienza dell'ecosfera aziendale del suo cliente.

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2 yrs

Best Book Editing Services | #writer

Best Book Editing Services

Best Book Editing Services

This is especially important for fiction writers.
harlowyoga changed his profile picture
2 yrs

ethaneric created a new article
2 yrs

Best Book Writing Online | #writer

Best Book Writing Online

Best Book Writing Online

However, it doesn't have some of the features that advanced writers may need.
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2 yrs


WordPress Gallery Plugin: FooGallery | Best Gallery Plugin

WordPress Gallery Plugin: FooGallery | Best Gallery Plugin

FooGallery is the best WordPress photo gallery plugin available! Now comes in 4 plans: PRO Commerce, PRO Expert, PRO Starter and Free. Compare plans now.

Responsive Media Lightboxes For WordPress | FooBox Demo | FooPlugins

Responsive Media Lightboxes For WordPress | FooBox Demo | FooPlugins

FooBox adds a beautiful, responsive Lightbox to WordPress websites with Built-In Social Sharing. Add more features to your website without any configuration.

How To Bulk Copy Gallery Settings In FooGallery PRO - FooPlugins

How To Bulk Copy Gallery Settings In FooGallery PRO - FooPlugins

With FooGallery PRO Expert, you can bulk copy gallery settings across to other galleries. We look at how to use the Bulk Copy metabox.

Thumbnail Filter Effects - FooPlugins

Thumbnail Filter Effects - FooPlugins

Using a thumbnail filter can help you to create a unique look for your galleries. The various options available will help your galleries stand out.

Gallery Pagination | Simple Dots (Free) | Numbered Pagination (PRO)

Gallery Pagination | Simple Dots (Free) | Numbered Pagination (PRO)

With FooGallery, you can add various types of paging to your galleries, including Infinite Scroll and Load More options.