Cochlear Implant Surgery in Coimbatore
Vikram ENT provides the Best Cochlear Implant Surgery in Coimbatore. The surgery, aimed at treating severe hearing loss, involves implanting a device directly into the inner ear. During the surgery, a small incision is made behind the ear, and an electrode array is inserted into the cochlea that converts sound vibrations into electrical signals to the brain. The internal implant is connected to the device's external components, which include a microphone and speech processor. After the surgery, rehabilitation is necessary to help the individual adapt to the new auditory experience provided by the cochlear implant. This innovative procedure has proven effective in restoring hearing and improving communication for many individuals with profound hearing impairment.
ENT Hospital Near Me
Vikram ENT Hospital is located near Cowley Brown Road to offers first-class treatment to people in Coimbatore and nearby Areas. We provide the near-experience of the supreme and elite through our services. Our ENT specialists have vast experience in diagnosing and treating various conditions related to ENT. People located near the famous landmarks in RS Puram have availed of our treatment offerings at an affordable cost. Vikram ENT Hospital has been providing ENT care for about 50 years, making it a reputable medical center. Book an appointment for a doctor's consultation. https://www.vikramenthospital.com/
Sinus Treatment in Coimbatore
Vikram ENT Provides the Best Sinus Treatment in Coimbatore. Our ENT Specialists Offers Endoscopic Diagnosis and Treatment for Sinus and Nose Diseases through Endoscopic Sinus Surgery and Advanced Endoscopic Surgery. We Educate Patients and Help Them Make Decisions Regarding the Medical and Surgical Options. We provide you with the finest sinus treatment in Coimbatore to aid you in better recovery from your sinus issues, irrespective of your location, travel, and working environment. https://www.vikramenthospital.....com/for-patients/nos
Deviated Nasal Septum (DNS) Treatment Was Done for Displaced or Deviation in Nasal Septum, Which Provides Obstruction for Your Nasal Activity. ENT Doctors at Vikram ENT Hospital Coimbatore opt for Septoplasty Surgical Treatment to Bridge Bone and Cartilage Between Nostrils. This Treatment Improves Breathing Flow Better.