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Ocean Network Express (ONE) hosted the fourth Container Shipping Summit in Hong Kong on March 26, 2025.

#oceannetworkexpress #one #containershippingsummit #hongkong #shipping #sustainablefuture

ONE hosts 4th Container Shipping Summit in Hong Kong

ONE hosts 4th Container Shipping Summit in Hong Kong

Summit brought together academic leaders to discuss challenges and drive innovation towards a sustainable future.

TVS Supply Chain Solutions Limited has appointed R Vaidhyanathan as its new Global Chief Financial Officer (CFO), effective April 1, 2025. The company’s board approved the appointment in a meeting held today.

#tvssupplychainsolutionslimited #supplychain #tvs #globalcfo #chieffinancialofficer #headofstrategicinitiatives

TVS SCS appoints R. Vaidhyanathan as Global CFO

TVS SCS appoints R. Vaidhyanathan as Global CFO

The outgoing global CFO, Raviprakash Bhagavathula will move to a new role as Head of Strategic Initiatives.

Gemini Cooperation, the new alliance of Maersk and Hapag-Lloyd, recorded 94 percent schedule reliability in origin ports in February 2025, followed by MSC at 79.6 percent and Premier Alliance (ONE, HMM and Yang Ming) at 60.4 percent.

#seaintelligence #geminicooperation #premieralliance #oceanalliance #maersk #msc #hapag

New carrier alliances launch with record schedule reliability

New carrier alliances launch with record schedule reliability

Gemini records 94% reliability in origin ports in Feb; global schedule reliability improves M/ M to 54.9% .

Once overshadowed by the booming passenger aviation sector, India’s air freight industry is now charting a dynamic growth trajectory of its own. Over the past five years, the country’s cargo sector has emerged from the shadows of pandemic-induced disruption to become a key pillar of national and international trade, adapting rapidly to shifts in global demand, export composition, and supply chain strategies.

#aircargoindia #indianairfreight #cargogrowth2025 #cargodigitization #smartlogistics #makeinindiaexports #cargohubindia #aircargonews #supplychainindia

How is the Indian air cargo sector flying to new heights?

How is the Indian air cargo sector flying to new heights?

India’s air cargo hits 195,000 tonnes per month, up 13% from 2019, signalling a structural shift in global trade dynamics.

Known as the “Detroit of India,” Chennai has emerged as a key trade gateway, driven by its robust port infrastructure, expanding air cargo capacity, and thriving automotive sector.

#chennai #tamilnadu #logistics #globallogisticssolutions #lufthansacargo #aircargo #automotivesector #southindia

Chennai: A strategic gateway for South India’s trade expansion

Chennai: A strategic gateway for South India’s trade expansion

Known as the “Detroit of India,” Chennai has emerged as a key trade gateway, driven by its robust port infrastructure, expanding air cargo capacity, and thriving automotive sector. Chennai, the...
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Indian Transport & Logistics News (ITLN), a STAT Media Group publication, is a bi-monthly magazine reporting on and for the transport and logistics industries of the Indian subcontinent.